DID - in the early morning/early in the morning, MADE - This morning, GOT - Yesterday, SAID - The day before yesterday, TOLD - Last week, SPOKE - Last weekend, TALKED - A little while ago, LISTENED - An hour ago, HEARD - the other day, HAD - Last month, SAW - Last year, BOUGHT - A long time ago, TOOK - Recently, HAPPENED - In 2020, CRIED - When I was born, FORGOT - One week ago, FELL - at one time, SANG - on one occasion, BEGAN - at that time, FELT - in those days, FOUGHT - then, LOST - back then, GREW UP - back in the day, COST - in the past, WALKED - in my childhood, WENT OUT - in my teenage years, WORE - in the 90's, WORKED - earlier today, STUDIED - this week, CAME - yesterday morning, TRAVELED - last Summer, DRANK - in December, ATE - last holiday, FORGAVE - many years ago, WENT - several years ago, PAID - some time ago, MET - a while back, LOST - earlier this month, BROKE - when I was a child, WOKE UP - in the early hours, SLEPT - until the early hours, SWAM - in/into the wee hours, LEFT - at the crack of dawn, THOUGHT - by the time, in the early 21st century, in the late 20th century.

Make up sentences - Past tense verbs with time expressions - Criar frases com verbos e expressões do passado em inglês


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