1) a csr can only disconnect the account in these two scenario a) merging accounts b) breach of contract c) former customer nc d) never disconnect 2) what is the campaign code for contract term? a) 08696 b) 08966 3) contract name change is to change the name between spause. a) false b) true 4) how much is the contract breach fee ? a) $149.95 b) $149.99 c) $139.99 5) we don't need to change the bill to address. a) true b) false 6) who can change the name under legal name change? a) women after marriage b) married women after separation c) deceased customer d) wife to husband 7) if the customers have different surnames consider them under a) legal name change b) contract name change c) call support 8) what is must to add for a customer in contract name change ? a) contract b) price protection id c) customer catogeory 9) how much tc charges my apply when calling tc for holiday home? a) nothing b) $55-$90 c) $50-$90 d) $50-$90 and $399 if need dish 10) which work order we use for self relocation ? a) re b) sr c) tc d) up 11) one can add as many channels as they want to add. a) no b) yes 12) OTC STANDS FOR? a) ONE TECHNICAL CALL b) ONE TIME CHARGE 13) HOW MANY DECORDERS SKY HAVE? a) 5 b) 6 c) 3 d) 4 14) WHAT MUST BE ADVISED WHILE ADDING A NEW CHANNEL? a) MINIMUM ONE MON POLICY b) NOTHING c) AWR NEW MON SUBS AND BAL 15) WHICH TWO CODES MUST BE LOADED TOGETHER? a) 202&207 b) 202&205 c) 207&202

name change



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