1) Russia is .... country in the world. a) the largest b) the most large c) the larger 2) This task is .... of all tasks we have ever done. a) more difficult b) the most difficult c) difficulter 3) The sun is...than the Moon. a) the largest b) the most large c) larger 4) Is your sister ... than you? No, she is...than I. a) the oldest , the youngest b) older, younger c) the oldest , younger 5) February is ... month of the year. a) the most shortest b) shorter c) the shortest 6) Today it is ... than yesterday. a) hotter b) the hottest c) hot 7) Last week Jack spent ... time for English than this week. a) less b) little c) the least 8) This car is ... than ours. a) the smallest b) the most small c) smaller 9) This is ... film I have ever watched. a) the most interesting b) more interesting c) interesting 10) This boots are ... than yours. a) more comfortable b) the most comfortable c) the comfortablest 11) My mobile phone is ... than yours. a) bad b) worse c) the worst 12) Tonight we should discuss ... question. a) many important b) more important c) the most important 13) ... of my friends go to school. a) most b) more c) many 14) Your composition is ... than mine. a) good b) better c) the best 15) Mary's suitcase is... than Ann's . a) the most heavy b) the heaviest c) heavier

Degrees of comparison of adjectives


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