aggravate - (verb) to irritate or annoy; to make worse, comprehend - (verb) to understand fully, cower - (verb) 1.) to crouch and tremble; 2.) to shrink back in fear or because of pain., endure - (verb) 1.) to last; to continue to exist; 2.) to put up with or bear; to show lasting strength, frugal - (adjective) thrifty; not wasteful, futile - (adjective) useless, worthless, or hopeless; not effective, immense - (adjective) huge; enormous, insufficient - (adjective) not as much as is needed, laborious - (adjective) involving or requiring labor or much hard work; difficult, malice - (noun) the desire to harm another; ill will, parasite - (noun) 1.) a plant or animal that lives on (or within) another from which it gets food; 2.) one who lives at another's expense without contributing anything of value, predicament - (noun) a difficult or unpleasant situation, scoff - (verb) to show scorn; to look down on or make fun of someone or something, trivial - (adjective) not valuable or important, unanimous - (adjective) in (or based on) complete agreement,

Vocabulary Lesson 1 Practice


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