adolescence (n) - the period between childhood and adulthood; the teens, adulthood (n) - the period in life when sb is fully grown, childhood (n) - the period of life before teens, crawl (v) - to move on your hands and knees, get a promotion (phr) - to move to a higher level in a company or institution, get married (phr) - to begin a legal relationship with sb as your husband or wife, graduate (v) - to finish school, college or university, infancy (n) - the period of sb's life when they are a very young child, part-time job (phr) - a job in which you work only for part of the day or the week, retire (v) - to leave your job and stop working completely because of age,

Vocabulary. Stages of life. SBp.8.ex.4.(on Screen_B1+)


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