rap - a type of music that has words that are spoken with the rhythm instead of being sung, poetry - a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in separate lines that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme, beat - a loud or strong sound that occurs regularly in music or poetry, syllable - any one of the parts into which a word is naturally divided when it is pronounced, theme - the main subject that is being discussed or described in a piece of writing, a movie, etc., performance - an activity (such as singing a song or acting in a play) that a person or group does to entertain an audience, rhythm - a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements, rhyme - one of two or more words or phrases that end in the same sounds, decimal - a number that is written with a dot between the part of the number that is equal to 1 or more and the part of the number that is less than 1, order - to organise (things) in a particular list or series,

G5: Week 12 Vocabulary


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