1) Talk about… someone who has too ________ clothes. 2) Talk about… a film where someone steals ________ money. 3) Talk about… a person whose ideas are so complicated that ________ people understand him/her. 4) Talk about… someone in your family who has ________ , because he/she is very sociable. 5) Talk about someone you know who has ________ hair, someone who is almost bald. 6) Talk about a friend whose English is so good that he/she makes ________ mistakes. 7) Talk about a time when you had ________ furniture in your home because you had just moved in. 8) Talk about a student who had ________ English books at home, so he had to go to a library. 9) Talk about … a subject you can’t talk too ________ about because it’s difficult. 10) Talk about … a man who does ________ exercise because he is very lazy. 11) Talk about …a town ________ people visit because it’s so isolated. 12) Talk about …someone who has got very _____________ patience and is always yelling at his/her children. 13) Talk about … a time when you had _____________ money because you had spent all of it.


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