Tell us about a film you've seen recently., What's your favourite book? Why, Do you like watching sport? Why/why not?, What do you do in your free time?, What's your favourite colour? Why?, Tell us about something you would like to learn to do., What did you do last weekend?, What are you going to do after class?, If you could visit any country, what country would you visit?, Do you prefer playing or watching sport? Why?, What's your favourite time of year? Why?, Tell us about a teacher you like / liked at school.  , How do you usually travel to school?, How often do you use your mobile phone?, Do you prefer swimming in the sea or in a pool? Why?, Do you think people should learn to swim?, What’s the best way to travel around your town?, What do you like about the place you live?, What do you use your mobile phone for?, Tell us about a book you like., Tell us about a website you use., How often do you play video games?, Do you always eat the same food or do you like eating different food?, If you could learn any sport, what would it be?, What do you like to do when you are on holiday?, How much time do you usually spend online?, Do you think holidays should be relaxing or exciting? Why/Why not?, What's your perfect holiday?, What's your favourite food?, Tell us about the music you like., What kind of presents do you like to give?, Do you prefer to see your friends at night or during the day? Why?, Do you prefer to do activities alone or with other people? , Tell us about your hobbies., What language would you like to learn? Why?.

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