Do you like to read? When is the best time for reading?, Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books?, What was the last book that you read? What was it about?, What is your favourite literary genre?, Have you ever read an entire book in English?, Did your parents or grandparents read stories to you when you were little? , Apart from books what else do you read?, Do you think it is important for children to read?, Do you prefer reading printed books or e-books? , Do you think electronic media and technology will replace printed books in the future?, What was the first book you read on your own? How old were you?, What was the most catchy book you've read? What made it so catchy?, Have you ever read the same book more than once? What book and why?, What is/are the things that make you choose a book to read?, Do you like buying books? , Do you ever borrow books from a library?, Do you have any rituals when reading?, What do you think of the list of set books at school? What books would you put on the list?, Which is usually better- a book or a film based on the book? Why? Do you know any exceptions?.


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