1) I can't stand__________ a) shopping b) hunting c) skating d) running 2) It doesn't seem ______ to me a) rights b) write c) kite d) right 3) It doesn't seem right to me that men and boys _____ kill animals. a) might b) could c) should d) may 4) It is not right that they should kill animals just for the _____ they get out of it. a) fan b) fun c) pan d) can 5) So she used to try and stop the boys _____ doing it. a) about b) in c) on d) from 6) Every time she _____over to their farm a) slept b) ran c) went d) drank 7) She would do her _____ to talk them out of it. a) worst b) better c) best d) worse 8) But the boys only ______ at her a) loved b) laughed c) liked d) let 9) She even said ___________ about it to Mr Greggs a) nothing b) anything c) something d) somebody 10) Mr Greggs just walked past her _______ she wasn't there. a) when b) as if c) why d) because


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