alpine skiing - downhill or straight racing, and slalom racing around a series of markers, biathlon - combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting, bobsleigh - involves making timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked, iced tracks in a gravity-powered sleigh, cross country skiing - skiing across the countryside, often through woods and usually on relatively flat terrain, curling - a game played on ice in which large round flat stones are slid across the surface toward a mark, figure skating - skating in prescribed patterns ( figures ) and choreographed free skating, freestyle skiing - skiing discipline comprising aerials, moguls, cross, half-pipe, slopestyle and big air, ice hockey - fast contact sport played on an ice rink between two teams of six skaters, who attempt to drive a small rubber disk (the puck) into the opposing goal with hooked or angled sticks, luge - light toboggan for one person, ridden in a sitting or supine position, nordic combined - a competitive ski event consisting of both ski jumping and cross-country racing, short-track speed skating - skating sport that tests the speed, technical skating ability, skeleton - sport where athletes run and jump onto a sledge, belly down, and speed off down a track, using their legs and shoulders to control their direction. It's similar to luge, except the athlete is racing head first, ski jumping - a sport in which a person on skis moves very fast down a specially made steep slope that turns up at the end, snowboarding - athletes throwing down tricks in the halfpipe and grabbing big air on the slopestyle course,, speed skating - competitive skating on speed skates (usually around an oval course), China - country where the Olympics is being held, Beijing - city where most Olympic events are held this winter,


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