1) Which sentence uses present perfect simple and which is continuous?  a) a. continuous b. simple b) a. simple b. continuous c) aren't they the same? 2) Do both sentences refer to the same period of time? a) I think so. b) Not at all. c) Is this a trick question? 3) Do both sentences refer to a time starting two years ago and lasting up to now? a) Yeah b) Maybe... c) No? 4) Which sentence emphasises a completed action? a) a b) b c) neither d) both 5) Which sentence sees the action as temporary and incomplete at the moment of speaking? a) a b) b c) neither d) both 6) Why are you so out of breath? a) I've run b) I've been running 7) Are the exam results ready? a) Yes, the teacher's put them on the wall. b) Yes, the teacher's been putting them on the wall 8) Did my mother contact you? a) Yes, she's phoned three times. b) Yes, she's been phoning 3 times. 9) Is the computer working now? a) Yes, I've just repaired it. b) Yes, I've been repairing it. 10) What a mess! a) I know! we've cleared out the cupboards b) I know! we've been clearing out the cupboards 11) Complete the sentence: In Iceland, the ice __ at an alarming rate. a) has been disappearing b) has disappeared c) both are possible 12) The Dead Sea __ at the rate of one metre per year. a) has been shrinking b) has shrunk c) both are correct 13) Rising sea levels mean that some reclaimed land in low-lying areas __ a) has already vanished b) has already been vanishing c) both are correct 14) We __ on the environmental project all year, but there are still many things to do. a) have worked b) have been working c) both are appropriate 15) The Environment Agency __ over 115, 000 warnings to people at risk of flooding. a) has sent b) has been sending c) both 16) The environmental lobby __ to get the government to reduce CO2 emissions for ages. a) has tried b) has been trying c) both work 17) Some scientists __ the impact of climate change. a) have questioned b) have been questioning c) both are ok 18) The IPCC __ their latest report. a) has just published b) has been publishing c) both can be used

Present Perfect, simple or continuous?


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