1) In which galaxy can our solar system be found? a) Andromeda GalaxyMilky Way Galaxy b) Cygnus Galaxy c) Drawf Galaxy d) Milky Way Galaxy 2) Which is the head of our solar system? a) Asteroids b) Moon c) Planets d) Sun 3) How is the sun classified? a) Meteoroid b) Natural Sattelite c) Planet d) Star 4) How many planets are there in our Solar System? (not including dwarf planets)  a) 5 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9 5) I`m an ice giant rotating on one side, who am I? a) Mars b) Mercury c) Neptune d) Uranus 6) Which planet is unique and has life on it? a) Mars b) Saturn c) Earth d) Pluto 7) Name the hottest planet in our solar system. a) Mars b) Neptune c) Venus d) Mercury 8) Which is the largest planet in our solar system? a) Earth b) Jupiter c) Mercury d) Uranus 9) Moon is the natural ........ of Earth. a) lamp b) rock c) satellite d) sun 10) The next planet that might support life in the future is ....... a) Mars b) Mercury c) Saturn d) Venus

Solar System


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