Brand Image - Customers will think of a business and its brand in a positive way if the goods and services are of good quality. The business will have a positive brand image., Brand Loyalty - Customers who enjoy good quality products from a business will keep on buying from the same business., Good Reputation - Customers will tell their friends and family about their experiences with goods and services ‏If several people have a positive experience, they will tell others that the business provides, Increased Sales - Customers will buy more products from a business if they know they are buying good quality. The business will have an increase in sales, and this can lead to more profit, New Customers - Customers will recommend a good quality good or service to their friends and family. This will attract new customers, Competitiveness  - A business will strengthen its competitiveness by providing products that are of good quality. Because they trust the business that sells good quality products, customers will not buy from competitors,

the benefits of quality products - by marwa mohammed 10-5


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