1) We're ... . a) making a snowman b) eating a cake c) playing a game d) singing a song 2) We're ... on the ice. a) dancing b) skating c) running d) standing 3) They're ... . a) smiling b) dancing c) drinking d) eating 4) Are you eating? a) Yes, we are. b) Yes, we're. c) No, we aren't. d) No, we don't. 5) Are they smiling? a) Yes, we are. b) No, they are. c) No, they don't. d) Yes, they are. 6) We're making a ... snowman. a) fat b) thin c) dirty d) short 7) Przetłumacz: Ja robię zdjęcie. a) I taking a photo. b) I make a photo. c) I'm taking a photo. d) We're taking a photo. 8) We're ... to grandma. a) waving b) smiling c) listening d) looking 9) It's the ... . a) six of May b) sixth of May c) sixteen May d) sixteenth of May 10) It's the ... . a) twentieth October  b) twelve of October c) twelfth of October d) twentieth of October 11) It's the ... . a) first of December b) one of December c) oneth of December d) first December 12) 'Marzec' in English is... a) January b) September c) August d) March 13) 'Czerwiec' in English is... a) July b) January c) June d) November 14) It's the ... . a) fourteen of January b) fourteenth of January c) fourth of January d) four January 15) It's the ... . a) three of December b) thirtieth of December c) third of December d) thirteenth of December 16) We ... in autumn. a) eat chestnuts b) open presents c) go to the beach d) finish school 17) We go to the beach in ... . a) autumn b) spring c) summer d) winter 18) We celebrate ... in autumn. a) Christmas b) Easter c) Hannukah d) Halloween 19) It's spring. I can ... . a) smell flowers b) finish school c) eat chestnuts d) open presents 20) We wear ... clothes in winter. a) hot b) cold c) warm d) pretty 21) Whose is this phone? a) It's her. b) It's my. c) It's hers. d) It's your. 22) Whose is this clock? a) It's his. b) It's your. c) It's my. d) It's her. 23) Przetłumacz: "To moja książka." a) This book is mine. b) This book is my. c) This is mine book. d) This is my book. 24) Przetłumacz: "Czyja to kość?" a) Who is this bone? b) Whose is this bone? c) Whose this bone? d) What is this bone? 25) ... a radio in the bedroom. a) There isn't b) There's c) There are d) There aren't 26) Is there a phone in the garden? a) Yes, there are. b) Yes, there is. c) No, there aren't. d) No, there isn't. 27) ... two phones in the kitchen. a) There aren't b) There isn't c) There's d) There are 28) ... any cameras in the dining room? a) Are there b) Is there c) There aren't d) Aren't there 29) We see old things here. a) a baker's b) a chemist's c) a museum d) a police station 30) We read books here. a) a post office b) a university c) a coffee shop d) a library 31) What is it in the picture? a) an airport b) a butcher's c) a police station d) a market 32) We get money here. a) a train station b) a bank c) a car park d) a hotel 33) We buy medicine here. a) a bank b) a bus station c) a chemist's d) a baker's 34) Where's the chemist's? a) Turn right. b) Turn left. c) Go straight on. d) Go through the tunnel. 35) How do I get to the bank? a) Go over the bridge. b) Go across the road. c) Go round the roundabout. d) Turn right. 36) Which way do I go to the museum? a) Go along the street. b) Go straight on. c) Go past the school. d) Cross the road.


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