automobile - self propelled passenger vehicle that moves, demote - to move down in grade, rant, or status, locomotion - ability to move from place to place, mobile - capable of moving or being moved, mobility - quality or state of being able to move about freely, mobilize - to coordinate, to move people or things around for a purpose, motion - the act or power of changing position, motivate - to do something that makes a person move into action, promote - to raise or move to a higher grade, rank, or job, removal - the act or moving something away, aggressive - hostile, stepping into someone's space with foce, centigrade - Celsius temperature, steps between freezing and boiling point, degrade - reduce someone's worth/value; step down in social class or position, digress - step away from topic, thoughts wander, gradual - a slow step by step change, , graduate - to move up a step in education, progress - to move a step in a positive direction, step closer to a goal, progression - step by step sequence, regress - to go back or move back a step, upgrade - to move up a step or level,

mob, mot, grad, gress Root Words



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