1) Did you... lunch at school today? a) ate b) have c) had 2) ... your sister go to Lolla Pallooza? a) Does b) Do c) Did 3) Did you... a shower this morning? a) take a shower b) take c) took 4) Did... your teeth this morning? a) you b) you brush c) you brushed 5) What... eat for dinner yesterday? a) did you b) did c) you 6) Did you go to the island on a kayak? a) No, I not b) Yes, I went c) Yes, I did 7) Did he like the food? a) Yes, he liked it b) No, I didn't c) No, he didn't 8) Did she have a stomach ache? a) Yes, she had b) Yes, she did c) No, she didn't


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