1) One thing I will remember for a long time is... 2) I laughed a lot when... 3) If I could give one piece of advice to new students of this course, ... 4) If I could change one thing in this course, ... 5) If I could attend only one topic of this course, ... 6) If I could go back in time and start the course again, ... 7) I think my groupmates were really ... 8) I think my biggest personal achievement during this course is... 9) I'm going to keep up my studies by ... 10) Next autumn I will definitely... 11) One thing I will miss most of all about our classes is ... 12) One thing I will put on my list of learning goals is ... 13) If somebody asks me "What do you usually do in your English classes?", I will ... 14) My favourite kind of lesson is the one when ... 15) One thing that helped me during this course was ... 16) My favourite word from the course is ... 17) The most difficult topic for me was ... (but I coped with it!) 18) I am grateful to [my groupmate's name] for ...

[B1+/B2] [Final class] [Discussion] [Looking back] [TB]


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