Christmas is ____ most ____ holiday. At Christmas, people ____ the Christmas ____ and their houses, they often ____ cards to each other and children sing ____ in the street. At home, children have got a ____ and Father Christmas (Santa Claus) puts ____ in it. They ____ open their presents on Christmas ____. In the evening the family has Christmas ____ They eat roast ____ of beef with ____ potatoes and Brussels ____. For dessert, they often have sweet mince ____ or Christmas ____. At Christmas dinner, they put Christmas ____ on each plate. In the crackers, there is usually a ____ hat, a ____ and a toy. Halloween is on 31 ____ and is a time of ____, candies, ____ and ____ and people decorate their houses with ____. Halloween, children dress up in ____ costumes and they go "Trick or ____ from door to door. People give them ____ like candies, caramel ____ or ____ balls. Sometimes there are ____ parties and children often play "____ for apples" and ____.

Lesson 2-British customs


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