1) ________________is the foremost devotee of Lord Krishna. a) Arjuna b) Hanuman c) Srimati Radharani 2) Young gopis are called _____________ a) manjaris b) Gopas c) sakhis 3) _____________are nitya siddhas, or eternally liberated souls who are always blissfully engaged in Krishna’s loving service a) Gopas b) The Six Goswamis c) The pancha tatva 4) ______________________studied the Vedas from his family guru, Balaram Acharya a)  SRI RAGHUNATH DAS GOSWAMI b) Sri Jiva Goswami c) Sri Rupa Goswami 5) ________________ provided Sri Raghunath Das Goswami with the cooling shade of Her own sari a) Sita Devi b) Srimati Radharani c) Lalitha Sakhi 6) ____________ was the son of Vyenkata Bhatta, a brahmana resident of Sri Rangam in South India a) Srila Sanatana Goswami b) Srila Jiva Goswami c) Srila Gopa Bhatta Goswami 7) Srila Gopa Bhatta Goswami established the ______________ Temple in Vrindavan a) Radha-Ramana b) Radha Govindadev c) Radha Madhana Mohan 8) _____________was the son of Anupama, Rupa and Sanatana’s brother a) Sri Raghunath Das Goswami b) Sri Gopal Bhatta Goswami c) Sri Jiva Goswami 9) When Jiva Goswami was young, he had a deity of ____________ a) Radha Krishna b) Krsna-Balaram c) Jagannath 10) _____________ personally took Jiva Goswami on a tour of Navadvip a) Lord Caitanya b) Advaita Acharya c) Lord Nityananda 11) Jiva Goswami met Lord Chaitanya’s mother __________ and His wife __________ a) Sakshi, Lalitha b) Sachi, Vishnupriya c) Sati, Lakshmipriya 12) Jiva Goswami followed Lord Nityananda’s instructions and after completing his studies, he went to _____________ a) Vrindavana b) Mayapur c) Puri 13) Jiva Goswami later received initiation from ________________________ a) Srila Gopla Bhatta Goswami b) Srila Sanatana Goswami c) Srila Rupa Goswami 14) Those who follow this imperishable path of ____________ and who completely engage themselves with faith, making Me the supreme goal, are very, very dear to Me a) devotional service b) meditation c) knowledge accumulation 15) Engage your mind always in____________ Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me a) thinking of Me b) become My devotee c) offer obeisances to Me d) and worship Me e) All of the above 16) Of these, the one who is in full knowledge and who is always engaged in ___________ is the best of these, the one who is in full knowledge and who is always engaged in a) pure meditation b) pure knowledge c) pure devotional service

Six Goswamis Revision Part 2



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