Akhirah - Eternal life; the name for the afterlife in Islam., Day of Judgement - The idea that on a day chosen by God, the dead will rise to join the living, and each person will be judged on how they lived their life., Funeral - A ceremony which takes place to mark the death of a person. This can be religious or not, a burial or a cremation., Heaven - A place of rest in the presence of God where the soul goes once the body has died., Hell - A place of torture and punishment; eternal separation from God., Karma - The belief that good actions have good consequences, and bad actions have bad consequences., Mediums - These people claim to be able to contact the spirits of the dead., Near Death Experience - When someone about to die has an out of body experience., Paranormal - Unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes; ghosts, mediums etc., Purgatory - Roman Catholics believe this is a place where souls go to have their ins forgiven and be made pure before they can go to heaven., Reincarnation - The soul is reborn into a new body each lifetime., Resurrection - The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised., Shiva - The name for the period of mourning (the time when people grieve) in Judaism., Soul - The inner spiritual part of a person which is considered to be immortal.,


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