Adjectives to give opinion (1A),  Verbs to express opinion (1B), Activities + your opinion (1C), Things you're good at (1D), Things you're bad at (1D), Ways of apologizing (1E), Household chores (1F), Things you have to do (1F), Parts of the body (2A), Gestures (2B), Bathroom objects (2C), Animal body parts (2D), Plans for the future (2E), Health Problems (2F), Things students should do in class (2F), Things students shouldn't do in class (2F), Sports (3A), Things that are similar (3B), Things that are different (3B), Things that move (3D), Things there are in fake news (3E), Things there are in real news (3E), Situations with get + adjectives (3F), Countable foods (4A), Uncountable foods (4A), Things there are in your kitchen (4B), Things there aren't in your kitchen (4B), Snacks (4B), Adjectives to describe food (4C), Common dishes (4C), Containers (4D), Strong / Weak adjectives (4E), Cooking verbs (4F).

Name 3 - Basic 3 Review


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