Coalition - An agreement between political parties to form a government., Devolution - The transfer of some powers from the Government to the Welsh Assembly, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Scottish Parliament., Generalelection - When the citizens of a country vote to elect a new government. A general election in the UK usually happens once every 5 years., FPTP - The voting system used in the UK to elect members of some local councils and Members of Parliament, whereby the candidate with the most votes in a constituency wins., Lobbying - A person or group of people meeting or taking action (e.g. Writing letters, demonstrating, petitioning) to try to persuade a politician to take up their cause., Localgovernment - A system of government that operates at a local level providing services to its community., Government - The individuals who have been elected to run the state, let by the Prime Minister (PM) in the UK., Byelection - An election to a public office that occurs when a post holder dies or resigns between elections., Direct democracy - Where the people decide on the policy directly, for example through a vote or referendum on each issue., Petition - A formal, written request, usually signed by many people, which appeals to the authorities to bring about change in regard to a particular issue., Referendum - A general vote by the electorate on a single issue., Representative  - Type of democracy where the citizens of a country elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf., Voterapathy - When a lot of people decide not to vote in an election., Activecitizen - A person who tries to bring about change., Pressuregroup - Groups of citizens normally linked together into formal groups who share the same view regarding bringing about change., Boycott - Where you decide not to buy certain goods or services., Democracy - A society where citizens, through an open and fair electoral system, are able to vote in regular elections., Bicameral - Two chambers within Parliament,

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