taking out - We cannot afford a new car without ... a loan., versatile - Our company is engaged in ... business activities, we work in different spheres., deteriorate - If the economy continues to ..., it will negatively affect the firm's future performance., dependent - The future of our company is ... on this important contract., procurement - Martina works in ..., it is her duty to acquire goods and services at the best prices., request - If you need some further information, you can ... it by email., required - In order to take out a mortgage, a down payment (deposit) of 20% is ...., efforts - Despite our best ..., we will not be able to provide you with the items you requested. , suspend - The company had to temporarily ... its activities due to a lack of finances.  , resume - If we are able to raise finance, we will be able to ... our activities., cease - If we are unable to raise finance, we will have to ... our activities altogether., ameliorate - All reasonable efforts have been made to ... the current situation. , ailing - The ... business cannot be rescued, it will go bankrupt., reluctant - I was ... to go out as it was cold outside., comprehend - We fully ... your concern, but there is little we can do at the moment.,

Eliška 3.11.


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