1) You missed the last train and can't get home. 2) You went on safari but didn't see an elephant. 3) You'd really like to see the match but you have to work. 4) You're too short to play professional basketball. 5) A real regret you have. 6) Your front door doesn't shut properly and now you've been burgled. 7) The man next to you on a plane can't keep still. 8) A real regret you have. 9) You haven't eaten since last night. It's 10 am, you're at a meeting and starving. 10) Your mother shows your baby photos to all your friends. 11) You're in trouble for not paying your taxes. 12) You regret never learning a musical instrument. 13) A real regret you have. 14) You were born in a country you don't like. 15) There's a big queue to get into the exhibition hall and it's raining. 16) You were ill on your last birthday and had to cancel the party. 17) You tripped while running down an escalator and broke your arm. 18) You were very shy when you were younger. 19) A real regret you have. 20) You need to make a call but your battery is flat.



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