1) 1. While I ... to the radio, the telephone ... . a) listened/rang b) was listening/rang 2) 2. He ... his leg when he ... in the Alps. a) broke/was skiing b) was breaking/skied 3) 3. They ... to the orchestra when the pianist ... ill. a) listened/became b) were listening/became c) were listening/was becoming 4) 4. Ann ... the piano while Tom ... a picture. a) played/was painting b) was playing/was painting c) played/painted 5) 5. We ... an accident while we ... for the bus. a) were seeing/were waiting b) were seeing/waited c) saw/were waiting 6) 6. She ... quietly at her desk when suddenly the door ... and her daughter ... in. a) worked/opened/ran b) was working/opened/ran c) was working/was opening/was running 7) 7. While she ... lunch, she ... her finger. a) was preparing/was cutting b) prepared/cut c) was preparing/cut 8) 8. We ... while we ... in Italy. a) met/were living b) met/lived c) were meeting/were living 9) 9. Which countries ... while they ... round the world? a) did they visit/travelled b) were they visiting/were travelling c) did they visit/were travelling 10) 10. ... in the garden when I ... home? a) Were you working/came b) Did you work/was coming c) Did you work/came


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