1) What do you say in the morning? a) BUONASERA b) BUONGIORNO c) BUON POMERIGGIO 2) How do you say "Hello" ? a) A DOMANI b) CIAO c) ARRIVEDERCI d) BUONA NOTTE 3) What do you say when you leave the class at the end of the period? a) SALVE b) BUONA GIORNATA c) BUONA NOTTE d) ARRIVEDERCI 4) What do you say before you go to bed? a) BUONA NOTTE b) ARRIVEDERCI c) BUON POMERIGGIO d) BUON GIORNO e) CIAO 5) What do you say when someone says "Grazie" a) Piacere b) Prego c) bene, grazie d) Buona notte



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