aiming - Preparing to throw or hit the ball towards a given target or in a specific direction., balance - To stay still and steady in a position or shape. To keep steady on your feet while moving and performing skills., baton - A short stick passed from runner to runner in a relay race., clearing - Passing over or around an obstacle without touching it., consistency - When something does not change very much., control - To perform movements and skills without losing your balance, change the speed and direction you move., distance - Length covered e.g. by a runner, by a throw, by a jump., endurance - Being able to keep running, quiet slowly, for a long time without stopping., height - The distance from the bottom of something to the top., hurdles - Upright obstacle frames that need to be jumped over in a race., long jump - Jumping as far as you can., momentum - When something keeps moving it has momentum., non-throwing arm - The arm that you do not hold the object you are throwing with., obstacles - Objects which you must get over or around to complete your run., overarm - A throw or bowl with the hand or arm passing above the shoulder., power - Makes you able to move at high speed or to push or pull something hard., recovery - The time after exercise when you get your breath back., relay race - When runners take turns and pass something to each other on the way to the finish., rolling - When a ball or quoit moves across the ground, turning over and over and over..., shuttle run - Running back and forth between two cones.,

Year 2 Athletics - Anagram


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