1) Do you know how expensive... a) ...is it? b) ...it is? c) ...are they? 2) Can you tell me where ... born? a) ...was he... b) ...did he... c) ...he was... 3) Where ... put the clean dishes? a) ...I should... b) ...should I... c) ...I shall... 4) Why ... want to leave her job? a) ...she does... b) ...she would... c) ...would she... 5) Do you think ... wait for her? a) ...we should... b) ...should we... c) ...do we... 6) Who ... all the biscuits? a) ate b) did eat c) would ate 7) Who .... meet at the party? a) you met b) did you met c) did you meet 8) I don't know... a) where she works. b) where does she work. c) where does she works. 9) Could you tell me  a) how far is the station? b) how far the station is? c) how far the station? 10) Do you know if a) she's coming tomorrow. b) is she coming tomorrow c) she is coming tomorrow.

Question forms; indirect questions. B1+


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