1) The mass of water in gm is always..........it's volume in cm³. a) equal b) double   c) less than d)  more than 2) .............. are metals react with atmospheric oxygen when they are exposed to humid air . a) Inactive metals b) Very active metals c) Less active metals d) Density 3) Choose the odd one : Acidic solutions - Sugary solutions - Salt solutions - Alkaline Solutions a) Acidic solutions b) Sugary solutions c) Salt solutions d) Alkaline Solutions 4) Choose the odd one : Density - Mass - Force - Volume a) Density b) Mass c) Force d) Volume 5) The mass of a piece of ice before melting is .............. it's mass after melting. a) equal b) more than c) less than d) double 6) The density of 12 gm of pure iron is ........ the density of 2 gm from it . a) equal b) more than c) less than d) double 7) The attraction force between water molecules is .......... that between water vapour molecules. a) equal b) more than c) less than d) double 8) .......... don't take the shape of their container. a) Solids only  b) Liquids only c) Gases and Liquids d) Solids and Liquids 9) Ammonia and water molecules participate in the presence of ........... atoms. a) Hydrogen b) Nitrogen c) Oxygen  d) Chlorine 10) Hydrogen molecule is consists of .......atom(s), while argon molecule is consists of .......atom(s). a) 1,3 b) 1,4 c) 2,1 d) 1,2 11) Choose the odd one :  Water - Oil - Alcohol - Water vapour a) Water b) Oil c) Alcohol d) Water vapour 12) Choose the odd one : Fluorine - Water - Bromine - Carbon. a) Fluorine b) Water c) Bromine d) Carbon 13) The second energy level is saturated with......... a) 2 b) 8 c) 18 d) 32 14) The atomic number of an element has 4 electrons in "L"level is ....... a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 15) The atomic number of an atom of an element, the "M"energy level of it's atom contains 2 electron is ....... a) 8 b) 10 c) 12 d) 14 16) The element whose atomic number is 10 and doesn't take part in chemical reactions , it is similar in it's chemical properties the element whose atomic number equals a) 8 b) 11 c) 16 d) 18

Unit 1 , Grade 7


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