1) ... a lottery ticket. a) Did you ever buy b) Have you ever bought 2) We .... an interesting documentary on dinosaurs last night. a) `ve watched b) watched 3) about who you want to invite to the party yet? a) Have you thought b) Did you think 4) a tennis match because I`m so bad at it. a) I`ve never won b) I never won 5) My brother .... scared of cats since one scratched him. a) has been b) was 6) Kim _____ to South America, she went to Bolivia last year. a) went b) has been 7) I _____ so tired yesterday. a) have been b) was 8) Brendan´s class _____ all the answers correct. a) have just got b) just got

Gold pre-first unit 2 grammar Present perfect or past simple.


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