Faswn i? - would I (be)?, Faset ti? - would you (s.) (be)?, Fasai fe/fo/hi? - would he/she (be)?, Fasen ni? - would we (be)?, Fasech chi? - would you (pl.) (be)?, Fasen nhw? - would they (be)?, Baswn - yes (I would be), Na faswn - no (I would not be), Baset - yes (you (s.) would be), Na faset - no (you (s.) would not be), Basai - yes (he/she would be), Na fasai - no (he/she would not be), Basen (ni) - yes (we would be), Na fasen (ni) - no (we would not be), Basech - yes (you (pl.) would be), Na fasech - no (you (pl.) would not be), Basen (nhw) - yes (they would be), Na fasen (nhw) - no (they would not be),

Bod, 'to be' - The conditional tense - Question and Answer - Sylfaen


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