1) Who is the Prime Minister of Australia? a) David Cameron b) John Howard c) Scott Morrison d) Jacinda Ardern 2) Who is the President of Poland? a) Donald Tusk b) Andrzej Duda c) Mateusz Morawiecki d) Ewelina Pilat 3) Who is President of the USA? a) Hilary Clinton b) John McCain c) Donald Trump d) Barack Obama 4) Who is President of Zimbabwe? a) Emmerson Mnangagwa b) Robert Mugabe c) Enele Sopoaga d) Ruhakana Rugunda 5) Who is President of Brazil? a) Mauricio Macri b) Evo Morales c) Hugo Chavez d) Jair Bolsonaro 6) Who is President of Russia? a) Boris Yeltsin b) Vladimir Putin c) Dmitry Medvedev d) Mikhail Gorbachev 7) Who is President of Turkey? a) Abdulla Aripov b) Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow c) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan d) Binali Yıldırım 8) Who is King of Saudi Arabia? a) King Salman b) King Fahd c) King Faisal d) King James 9) Who is President of France? a) Jean-Claude Junker b) Édouard Philippe c) Emmanuel Macron d) Nicholas Sarkozy 10) Who is Prime Minister of Japan a) Shinzō Abe b) Itō Hirobumi c) Yoshihiko Noda d) Xi Jinping

Heads of state and government - 2019


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