1) Teacher wants to evaluate the child writing performance at the beginning, middle and after school year. Which type of portfolio should the teacher use? a) Development portfolio b) Evaluation portfolio c) Showcase portfolio d) Assessment portfolio 2) Which test measure is basic to select and connect ideas? a) Multiple choice b) Outlining c) Mapping d) Matching type 3) As an investigative tool, assessment can help discover various aspects of students learning but these does not include ___ a) what students can do b) What learning gaps students have c) What students expect to learn d) What students already know 4) Which social service is available in the computer? a) Facebook b) I-pad c) Wikipedia d) Google 5) Teacher Dhelia’s lesson was on “what a man can do to arrest climate change.” She made the students do the talking, arguing and synthesizing. The lecture was made after the students’ lively discussion. To what approach did Teacher Dada use? a) Teacher-centered approach b) Student-centered approach c) Subject-centered approach d) School-centered approach 6) What is an OBE/OBTL practice in Teacher Algie’s class? a) Students’ correcting their own answers b) Teacher Jing gave the answers c) None at all d) The seatwork 7) When a school believes that curriculum should highly focus on Math, Science and other fundamental intellectual disciplines, this school believes in the curriculum view of ____________. a) Hollins Caswell b) John Dewey c) Arthur Bestor d) Phillip Phenix 8) For meaningful teaching and learning, it is best to connect the lesson to the life of students by integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which principle is applied? a) Share lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes with students. b) Lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains – cognitive, skill and affective or cognitive and affective or skill and affective. c) Write SMART lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes. d) Begin with the end in mind. 9) Along Erickson’s psychosocial theory, which statement is one of autonomy in early childhood? a) As I do things I fell I made a mistake. b) I do things without worrying about them. c) I am apologetic about what I’ve done. d) I worry that my parents will find about them. 10) In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher’s presentation, the teachers should have? a) A short preview b) A summary c) Several years of experience as a presenter d) A short conclusion 11) Every Individual is a unique individual,” adheres to what principle: a) Every person is unique b) Each of us has uniqueness c) Individual Differences d) We are born different 12) When you wanted to genuinely clarify and point relative to an issue under a discussion in a meeting, what will you do as a teacher? a) Oppose the other position b) Discuss with seatmates to gain support c) Politely request for recognition to clarify your point. d) Just keep quiet to avoid opposition 13) The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualifications Framework (AQRF). The Asian History teacher teams up with the Economics teacher, the Professional Education teacher for a thorough discussion of AQRF from the perspective of other disciplines. Which describes the Asian History teacher’s pedagogical approach? a) Reflective b) Inquiry-Based c) Constructivist d) Integrated 14) In classroom curriculum implementation, which is referred to as the “Green Flag”? a) Content delivery blast b) Too much chalkboard talk c) Rigid Movement d) Student interest 15) What material is best to use if intended material is not available? a) Audio-visual material b) Supplementary material c) Improvised material d) Digital material 16) Teacher Algie proceed to her lesson without stating the intended learning outcomes for the hour. She asked her students to work on Seatwok # 3 found in the Math Workbook, pp. 3-4. After 40 minutes, the students corrected their own answers as Teacher Algie dictated the answer.What is the proof that Professional Teachers demonstrate genuine desire for CPD? a) Go through it for promotion b) Go through it because everyone else does c) Do as it is mandated d) Do it even if it is not required 17) Which promotes a healthy environment among schools?I. Canteen selling all kinds of food including junk foodII. Comfort rooms are the same for boys and girlsIII. Sanitary drinking fountainIV. Safe playground   a) II and III b) III and IV c) I and IV d) I only 18) The teacher published the following researches, books, materials, manuals and other instructional aid: a) Writer b) Planner c) Innovator d) Evaluator 19) In his desire to finish the content of the course syllabus, Sir Janus just lectures while students listen. Which principle of learning does Sir Janus violate? a) Learning is the discovery if the personal meaning of ideas. b) Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes. c) Learning is an active process. d) Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process. 20) What does achievement test measure in previous learning? a) Attitude and aptitude b) Quality and quantity c) Motivational level d) Teaching coverage 21) How is content validity best assessed in the assignment to illustrate the law of demand and supply? a) Diagram of demand and supply trend b) Instances showing demand supplying demand c) Correct definitions of demand and supply d) Illustration of demand and supply flow 22) In doing a research, which is needed to be more valid? a) Conclusion b) Factual evidences c) Hypothesis d) Assumptions 23) The introduction of mother tongue as a subject and as a language of instruction is in support of ______________. I. The preservation and promotion of Filipino cultural heritage II. The learning of English as second language III. To improve learners’ performance a) I and II b) I, II and III c) II and III d) I and III 24) Which run against the Filipino family value of sacrifice? a) Tolerance of pain and mistakes b) Inability to forgive c) Willingness to forgive d) Delayed satisfaction of desires 25) A student got a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of proficiency? a) Did not meet expectation b) Fairly satisfactory c) Satisfactory d) Very satisfactory 26) Apart from a quantifiable data, what else can be used as basis for grading? a) Criterion rubrics b) Acceptance criterion c) Performance criterion d) Values criterion 27) Teacher Iah wants her pupils to display their work where each one has worked. What type of portfolio is the Teacher Iah expecting to see? a) Development b) Evaluation  c) Assessment d) Showcase 28) Which of the following best implements research - based learning? a) Power Point b) Whole class discussion c) Information data gathering d) Intensive seat work 29) Teacher Aranas demonstrates how to work with math app that provides practice in adding mixed fractions. The students then work independently with the app to provide them sufficient practice in adding mixed fraction. This shows technology integration which is _______. a) Entry-active b) Transformation-active c) Adoption-active d) Infusion-active 30) Who coined the term “scaffolding”? a) Piaget b) Pavlov c) Bruner d) Vygotsky 31) Which statement about student diversity is CORRECT a) The less diversity the better for the teacher and students. b) Student diversity is solely due to students varied culture. c) Teachers should value and accept diversity of students. d) Teachers should not accept diversity of students. 32) Which type of test measures students thinking organizing and written communication skills? a) Completion type b) Essay c) Extemporaneous speech d) Short answer 33) In introducing new lesson, what is important to consider by way of lesson continuity? a) Introduce new lesson. b) Prepare the instructional materials c) Prepare new audio visual d) Relate past lesson to new lesson. 34) For real-world application the teacher can apply ___. a) Drills b) Performance c) Demonstration  d) Simulation  35) Miss Mary is preparing slides for her lesson demonstration; she remembers to supply the rule of six. Most likely she will _______________________. a) Limit her presentation to six with six sentences on each slide. b) Have six lines on each slide with each line having not more than six words. c) Identify six important points to discuss and use about six minutes to explain each point. d) Include six paragraphs presented in six slides. 36) Which characteristics are necessary to be able to adapt to current demands of teaching using digital tools? Openness to learn II. Positive attitude III. Curiosity IV. Perseverance  a) II and IV b) I and II c) I, II, III and IV d) I only 37) It is a type of play in which children watch other children instead of playing with each other. a) Parallel Play b) Solitary Play c) Associative Play d) Onlooker Play 38) Which environment provides connecting schools where there’s respect, support and communication progress? a) Healthy environment b) Safe environment c) Positive environment d) Secure environment 39) In K-12, does quarterly assessment have equal percentage weight for all tracks in Grade 11 and 12? a) No b) No for academic track subjects c) Yes for academic track subjects d) Yes 40) Mr. Sevilla requires his class to conduct research, write a research report and defend the same before a panel of experts. In which level/s of processing will the students be engaged?I. RetrievalII. ComprehensionIII. AnalysisIV. Knowledge utilization a) II, III and IV b) III and IV c) I, III and IV d) I, II, III and IV 41) Which is negatively skewed distribution? a) More got high score b) More students are underachiever c) Even from left to right d) More got low score 42) One cognitive advancement in adolescence is metacognition. What does METACOGNITION mean? a) Ability to analyze and synthesize b) Ability to identify one’s own thinking process and strategies c) Ability to recall and explain d) Ability to problem solving 43) A student passes a book report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the poor quality of book report content. Which Filipino traits does | this practice prove? a) Substance over "Porma" b) Arts over academics c) Art over Science d) "Porma"over substance 44) Using the standardized test, a school can determine _____ in order to give final grades or certification. a) End-of-school year achievement b) Degree of mastery c) Remedial measures for improvement d) Long serious problem 45) If you are afraid to be different from the rest even if you are convinced that you are right makes you far from being a/an a) Rationalist b) Utilitarianist c) Existentialist d) Pragmatist 46) Based on elements of the profession, can the taxi driver be considered a professional? a) No, because a driving is not a college/university degree. b) Yes, because there's such a term professional driver. c) It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver. d) Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest. 47) Teacher Vanessa believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome of her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Teacher Vanessa negate? a) Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. b) Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process. c) Learning process is an active process. d) Effective learning begins with the setting clear expectations and learning outcomes. 48) Which of these does NOT belong to the external factors that affect reading point of reference? a) Parents b) Peers c) Financial reward d) Enjoyment of reading 49) Owing to issues in friendship, family ties, gender rights, etc.________ is a value-rich subject that provides a wide opportunity for value formation of learners. a) Filipino b) Social Science c) Islamic Subject d) English 50) MOOCs are considered massive because ________. a) They need a big amount of computer storage to be able to avail of a course. b) They were designed and created by a big group of experts. c) They can only be provided by big universities. d) They can accommodate a big number of learners. 51) Teacher Algie proceed to her lesson without stating the intended learning outcomes for the hour. She asked her students to work on Seatwok # 3 found in the Math Workbook, pp. 3-4. After 40 minutes, the students corrected their own answers as Teacher Algie dictated the answer. What is the nursery of the states? a) Hospital b) School c) Convents d) Home 52) How will you describe activities which involve questions and answers leading to discovery of an answer or solution? a) Integrative b) Interdisciplinary c) Innovative d) Interactive 53) Which pillar of learning describes the phrase “Unity in Diversity”? a) Learning to know b) Learning to live together c) Learning to be d) Learning to do 54) Which rubric CANNOT provide specific feedback for improvement? a) Developmental rubric b) General analytic c) Holistic d) Analytic rubric 55) The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan sharks lacks ________ a) Media literacy b) Cyberliteracy c) Eco-literacy d) Financial literacy 56) Teacher B wants to make use of simulated life condition suitable for animals and plants living on land. Which does she use? a) Aquarium b) Model c) Terrarium d) Poster 57) Outside the acceptable and effective ways with dealing of the disciplines is/are a) Additional homework b) Dialogue c) Verbal reinforces d) Award merit 58) Teacher Rey shared this lesson objective/learning outcome with her students: “Before the period ends, all of you must be able to identify the topic sentence and supporting sentences of a given paragraph.” Teacher Rey drilled them on subject-verb agreement to ensure that they can write a good paragraph then gave a ten-sentence paragraph for the students to determine subject-verb agreement before the class period ended. Did Teacher Rey use the lesson objective/learning outcome as guide in the development of her lesson? a) Very much, because she made use of a ten-sentence paragraph for the end-of-the-period quiz b) Yes. c) No,  d) A little, because subject-verb agreement is a must in paragraph writing 59) Good readers make use of effective reading strategies. Which are examples effective reading strategies?I. PredictingII. InferringIII. SummarizingIV. Visualizing a) I, II, III, IV b) I, III, IV c) II, III, IV d) I, II, III 60) Identify the characteristic that can make assessment difficult to apply, and therefore should be avoided by teachers. a) Applying assessment contextually b) Provide interactive feedback on student performance c) Discussing abstract concepts d) Setting definite variables as in rubrics 61) Teacher Prince noticed that in group work, students just leave the work to the leader and so vowed never to give group work again. Against which principle of learning is Teacher Prince’s decision? a) Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process. b) Learning is an active process. c) Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes. d) Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. 62) Under the 21st Century Life and Career Skills, which enables a person to respond to the change of modernity? a) Productivity and Accountability b) Leadership and Responsibility c) Flexibility and Adaptability d) Social and Cross-Cultural skills 63) How can you get a mean of 86 if the total grade of 4 subjects is 85? a) 85 b) 84 c) 83 d) 90 64) How can you consider a person professional? a) Abide by his personal code of ethics b) Graduate of degree/University c) Having ethical competence d) Skilled 65) Which of the following processes usually comes first in developing curriculum? a) Evaluating educational experiences b) Selection of educational content c) Identifying learning goals and objectives  d) Organization of learning experiences 66) Implementation means putting into practice the experiences which has been written in all except ___________. a) Syllabi b) Curriculum guides c) Course outline d) Internet resources sites 67) Once the grading period is done and all grades are recorded to whom the teacher will present the grades? a) Principal b) Parents c) Registrar d) Students 68) The teacher would like to focus on "WELLNESS" which needs to be developed among individual learners and so she gives focus on ____________. a) Vital values b) Pleasure values c) Spiritual values d) Holy values 69) Mrs. Soriano was approached by a parent who had a concern about the grade received by her daughter, Judy, comparing it with the grade of Sally her classmate. Which of these should Mrs. Soriano do? a) Refuse to show the record notebook since it is her personal property. b) Show both the record of Judy and her classmate Sally. c) Refuse to show any record without the written approval of the principal. d) Show only the record of her daughter Judy. 70) How are institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards over and above the minimum requirement for state recognition? a) Scholastic achievement b) Academic Freedom c) Faculty development d) Voluntary Accreditation 71) Which instructional activities may serve to reflect the teacher's philosophy teaching? I. Setting of learning outcomes. II. Choice of teaching methods. III. Engaging in routine activities a) II and III b) I and III c) I only d) I and II 72) Teacher Clarence wanted her students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which she explained to the class before the students began with their task. Based on revised Bloom's taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are the students? a) Applying b) Synthesizing c) Analyzing d) Evaluating 73) This is the time the teacher actually spends in the classroom giving instruction by various means. a) Academic learning time b) Mandated time c) Allocated time d) Teaching time 74) If Teacher Algie develops lesson the OBTL way, what should she do? a) Make students understand what they are expected to know and able to do after the lesson. b) Make students arrive at the answers. c) Correct the seatwok d) Make seatwork as homework. 75) In the instructional process, as the teacher completes the instruction on the lesson, what serves as the basis of new lesson? a) New information b) Instructional tool c) Appropriate methodology d) Knowledge base 76) Teacher Janus talked all period. He taught the class the steps to undertake in the conduct of an action research. He also showed a poorly done action research. He explained why it is poorly done and finally showed a model action research. Which teaching approach describes Teacher Janus lesson development? Was Teacher Janus learner-centered? a) No, he was more subject matter-centered and teacher-centered. b) No, because his subject matter was highly technical. c) Yes, he taught for all learners. d) Yes, he made things easy for the learners. 77) Teacher Belinda avoids out - of - context drills. Instead she used real world problems for her students to solve. Doing so makes Teacher Beth is __________in approach. a) Reflective b) Constructivist c) Inquiry-based d) Developmentally appropriate 78) Teacher Vel Marie said: "This is the rule on how to multiply fractions. To illustrate, let's give examples." Then she gave fractions to the class for them to multiply. How did Teacher Vel Marie proceed?  a) Deductively b) Deductively then Inductively c) Inductively d) Inductively then deductively 79) During problem solving method, the teacher's primary role is ____________. a) Director b) Lecturer c) Clarifier d) Judge 80) The school conducted a general student election for the Supreme Student Council. The election is patterned after the COMELEC system. The school is using what kind of technique? a) Symposium b) Panel discussion c) Simulation d) Dramatization 81) Which of the following would be the best choice if a teacher would like to focus on attitudinal change? a) Dramatization  b) Role play c) Field study  d) Simulation  82) Which of the following provides open environment for discussing opinions without fear of being wrong or ridiculed for an unpopular opinion? a) Debate b) Buzz Session c) Symposium d) Committee 83) This is my questioning behavior : I ask the question ; I pause for a while then call on a student. Which is this questioning practice?  a) Involving as many as possible b) Asking for non-volunteers c) Asking for non-directed question d) Directing a question 84) Eye wink, waving of hands and nodding of head are examples of ___________. a) Gestures  b) Verbal communication c) Body language d) Facial expression 85) The more senses that are involved, the better the learning. What does this imply? a) Use visual aids b) Use audio-visual aids c) Use audio aids d) Use multi-sensory aids 86) Miss Gasat is planning technology integration in her science lesson on states of matter. She is applying her pedagogical knowledge when she _______. a) Studies how to attach a video to her audio-visual presentation b) Looks into the characteristics and interests of the learners in order to choose activities that would match them c) Learn how to scan picture to include in her presentation d) Researches further on plasma as another state of matter. 87) Teacher Carl, a Social Studies teacher, wants his Grade 7 students to express their opinions, sentiments, and ideas regarding a certain government issue in the national level. Which of the following can be BEST use to facilitate such? a) Forum  b) Blog c) E-mail d) Group messaging 88) Mr. Oliver is evaluating a website for his Literature class. He is making sure that factual pieces of information found on the site are well documented and pictures and diagrams are properly labeled. He is also checking that there are no misspelled words nor grammar errors. Which criterion is focusing on? a) Clarity b) Appropriateness c) Accuracy d) Motivation 89) Which level of knowledge is manifested when a learner is able to answer the question, " What was most confusing to me about the material explored in class today?" a) Factual knowledge b) Conceptual knowledge c) Procedural knowledge d) Metacognitive knowledge 90) What kind of learning does this Cyril Houle's quotation, " If you teach a person what to learn, you are preparing that person for the past, if you teach the person how to learn, you are preparing them for the future" mean? a) Metacognitive learning b) Learning with audio-visual c) Technology with learning d) Learning with graphs 91) How does a novice learner acquire information? a) Meaningful information b) Selected information c) Important information d) All of the information 92) What is the special program given to the students who can't read? a) Reading program  b) Phonic program c) Literary program d) Language program 93) Assessment of learning is an _________ part of the teaching-learning process.  a) Enrichment b) Auxiliary c) Add on d) Integral 94) Compared with evaluation which is subjective, testing students is more objective because it is based on? a) Homework b) quantifiable data c) human judgment d) class work 95) These are the criteria to reduce error in judging test content, sampling and procedures for tests except a) Reliability b) Predictability  c) Validity d) Usability 96) Teacher wants to test student's acquisition of declarative knowledge. Which test is the most appropriate? a) Short answer b) Essay c) Performance test d) Completion test 97) In conducting item analysis, teacher Hazel found out that more on the lower group got item No. 6 correctly. This means that the item __________. a) Has lower validity b) Has a positive discriminating power c) Is highly reliable d) Has a negative discriminating power 98) In K to 12, how is the final grade per subject for grades 11 and 12 obtained? a) Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 4 semesters b) Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters c) Get the average of the grades for the 2 quarters d) Get the average of the grades for the 4 quarters 99) The class was taught how to conduct an action research and was required an end of the term written research report. The class was taught how to do the research report and was shown as an Analytic Scoring Rubric for them to know how they will be graded. The class took the Scoring Rubric as guide in the making of their research report. They were all motivated to pass an excellent research report and as a group checked now and then if they were true to the qualities of an excellent research report as seen in the scoring rubric. What form of assessment is described? a) Assessment AS Learning  b) Assessment OF Learning c) Assessment FOR Learning d) Assessment FOR and AS Learning 100) In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher’s presentation, the teacher should have? a) Several years of experience as a presenter b) A summary c) A short preview d) A short conclusion



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