1) belief in one god a) pass over b) Palace c) monotheism d) Jordan River 2) period when the chaldean ruler crushed Jerusalem and carried the Hebrews away to their lands. a) Jordan River b) plague c) Pharaoh d) babylonian captivity 3) prophet who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. a) Moses b) Samaria c) Nile River d) lambs 4) One of the oldest cities in Israel. a) plagues b) Jericho c) Mount Sinai d) dry deserts 5) capital of Judah a) Jerusalem b) children c) dry deserts d) monotheism 6) capital of Israel a) Torah b) Mount Sinai c) descendant d) Samaria 7) young Hebrew who defeated the giant. a) Torah b) Pharaoh c) David d) children 8) The giant that was defeated by David. a) Nile River b) oasis c) Goliath d) Moses 9) Laws of the Hebrew Bible a) Proverbs b) descendant c) Torah d) Goliath 10) Place where Moses received the Laws in the Hebrew Bible. a) Mount Sinai b) Palace c) Pharaoh d) burning bush 11) an area in a desert fed by underground water a) oasis b) children c) dry deserts d) Solomon 12) a long period of dry weather a) Saul b) drought c) Torah d) David 13) a period of forced absence from one's country or home a) Solomon b) dry deserts c) Palace d) exile 14) something that causes suffering for a lot of people a) Jordan River b) Solomon c) Samaria d) plague 15) one coming from a common ancestor a) fertile b) Jericho c) descendant d) Moses 16) river that runs from northern mountains through Israel and ends at the Dead Sea. a) Nile River b) Jordan River c) lambs d) babylonian captivity 17) Jordan river provides water to these types of valleys. a) fertile b) Mount Sinai c) exile d) Torah 18) located in the southern region and caused people to build settlements near an oasis and led to city-states a) dry deserts b) burning bush c) Proverbs d) drought 19) located west of Israel and made a natural cross road for Africa, Asia, and Europe to trade. a) burning bush b) Mediterrranean Sea c) fertile d) Samaria 20) This Egyptian king enslaved the Israelites. a) Proverbs b) Mediterrranean Sea c) David d) Pharaoh 21) River that a baby boy was thrown into. a) children b) plague c) Nile River d) Saul 22) place where Moses grew up. a) Mediterrranean Sea b) Samaria c) Torah d) Palace 23) What Moses saw when heard heard a voice tell him to lead the Israelites to freedom. a) burning bush b) Mount Sinai c) Samaria d) drought 24) God sent 10 of these to the Pharaoh to let his people go. a) burning bush b) Proverbs c) plagues d) Jordan River 25) The final plague was the death of all the firstborn Egyptian __________ a) plagues b) children c) Mount Sinai d) Samaria 26) The Israelites put the blood of this animal on their doors a) babylonian captivity b) burning bush c) lambs d) plague 27) the plague would do this when it saw the blood on the doorposts a) Pharaoh b) pass over c) lambs d) plagues 28) King David's son that built the first Hebrew temple. a) oasis b) babylonian captivity c) Solomon d) fertile 29) Name of the king that was on the throne before David. a) descendant b) monotheism c) Saul d) exile 30) Name of the book that King Solomon wrote a) Saul b) Proverbs c) lambs d) Torah

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