1 - Would you like to change anything in your life? What would you change? Why?, 2 - Бросить работу/искать чего-то нового/ждать возможности, 3 - Used to (explain + example), 4 - Следовать мечте/осуществить мечту/мечтать о переменах в жизни/мечтать, 5 - Why do you think many people do not manage to live their dreams?, 6 - Jessica Fox and her living the dream, 7 - a document that shows when and where you were born, 8 - One of the best decisions I ever made was__.I wanted to__.So I ___.____wasn't easy because__.But____.Now, I____, 9 - The great imposter (explain and tell the text), 10 - Six verbs + prepositions, 11 - stopped using, 12 - So/but/because/to (expain+example), 13 - Для того чтобы/Так что (in Eng+example), 14 - Появляться в фильме/слава пришла в/играть врача (фильме) (in Eng), 15 - people who go to live in a different country, 16 - Why do people tell lies about their lives? When might you tell a lie?, 17 - the person who sings the most in a band , 18 - Finding out information , 19 - Facilities , 20 - Thanking someone ,


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