1) I'm going to play devil's advocate. Let's imagine the company goes bankrupt. What happens to the employees? a) to give a very negative opinion about someone or something b) to take a deliberately contrary position in an argument to force people to justify their opinions  2) I'm going to speak my mind. I think this situation is absolutely terrible and we have to find a solution. a) to change your opinion after reconsidering something b) to say what you really believe 3) If you have to make a decision, it's no use sitting on the fence. You must choose one or another. a) being unable to commit yourself to one opinion or one side b) asking lots of people to help you make a difficult decision 4) Let's not beat about the bush. You have commited a serious crime, and now you must pay for it. a) to give an opinion based on false evidence b) to talk a lot but avoid directly addressing the most important point 

Opinion idioms


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