Tasks with accuracy purpose: Nominating students with the correct answers. (If shy and weak students have correct answers, call on them more.), Before feedback, making sure students compare answers to check if their partners have the same answers., Don't give confirmed answers if everyone isn't back to the main room yet/ if most of Ss don't finish comparing answers., Don't nominate ss with incorrect answers or no answers., Provide a visual confirmation to the correct answer on the screen/ on the board., Elicit a brief explanation of why the answer is correct if necessary., Tasks with fluency purpose: Asking their partners' interesting ideas., Don't ask every student or pair, just a couple is enough., Monitor wisely to find out which pairs or groups have interesting ideas to report back to class., Both: Sending reminder of remaining time, While giving feedback, don't echo what ss say., Don't get choral feedback. Don't get dominant students to shout the answers., Don't use redundant TTT by reading out loud the questions, just provide a simple cue like “Number 1, 2, …),

CM Workshop 10


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