Making suggestions: How about...?, Why don't we...?, Perhaps we should...?, What do you think...?, So shall we ..., then?, Asking if someone agrees with suggestions: Don't you think so?, Would you agree?, Wouldn't you say so?, Is that all right with you?, Would you go along with that? , Agreeing with suggestions: Right., I think so, too. , That's true. , I completely agree with you. , That's a great idea. , Disagreeing politely with suggestions: I'm not really sure about that. , I think it might be better to..., I think I'd rather..., I don't really agree. I think..., I'm not so keen on..., Giving reasons for disagreeing with suggestions: That's because..., For one thing ... (fot another ... ), Well, the thing is..., I think the problem is that..., The main reason is that...,

FCE SPECIAL - Speaking part 3 - Useful expressions


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