1) If I________free on Saturday, I´ll go to your party. a) was b) am c) were 2) If Harry ____________ go to the party, I won't go either. a) doesn´t b) won´t c) didn´t 3) If I __________you, I would do more physical activity. a) am b) be c) were 4) If we don't work more quickly, we ______________ finish the homework on time. a) wouldn't b) won't c) don't 5) I __________________ the job if they offer a good salary. a) will accept b) would accept c) accept 6) If she arrives late again, her teacher _________ angry. a) get b) will get c) would get 7) If I had more time, I ___________________ a better job. a) would look for b) will look for c) looked for 8) If I _______________ a pay rise, I would be very happy. a) get b) gets c) got 9) Marko _______ very angry if I don't help him. a) is b) will be c) was 10) If I ____________ in Argentina, I would love to live in Uruguay. a) don't live b) wouldn't live c) didn't live 11) If my mum ______________ younger, she would go on an adventure trip. a) were b) would be c) is

First and second conditional


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