Atkinson - One of the psychologists who developed multi-store memory model, Shriffin - One of the psychologists who developed the multi-store memory model, Sensory - First memory store in msmm, linear - a model that runs in straight line is..., rehearsal - Way to commit short term memory to long term, decay - what happens if memories are not attended to., duration - length of time a memory stays in a store, capacity - amount of information a store can hold, semantic - to do with meaning, visual - to do with sight, auditory - to do with hearing, primacy - remembering things at the start of a list, recency - remembering items at the end of a list, HM - Case study which supports MSMM, amnesiac - A person with damaged memory, oversimplified - A weakness of the MSMM, working - Memory Model which superseded the MSMM,


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