1) What does "to drop out (of school)" mean? a) you leave school after you completed your final exam b) you leave school without a certificate c) you go home when school is over 2) What does "poverty" mean? a) the fact of being powerful. b) the fact of being fat c) the fact of having only little money d) the fact of being rich 3) What is a "challenge? a) a very difficult task b) a hard competition c) an easy homework 4) What can you tell about an "unemployed" person? a) This person is an employee. b) This person has a very good job. c) This person doesn't have a job. 5) If something is "difficult" it is... a) hard b) easy c) expensive d) cheap e) sweaty 6) When you "connect" two things... a) you put them away from each other. b) You put them together. 7) A "gun" is... a) a kind of weapon. b) a currency in an African country. c) something you have in the kitchen. 8) When somebody does "drunk driving"... a) the person steers a vehicle although she/he has consumed alcohol. b) The person went to jail because the police stopped her/him. 9) If you have a "driver's license / driving licence"... a) you are allowed to steer a taxi. b) you are allowed to steer a tractor. c) you are allowed to steer a car. 10) A "minimum"... a) is a very big amount. b) is a little amount.

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