1) Global warming happens because we burn _____ . a) greenhouse gases b) melting ice c) fossil fuel d) glaciers e) carbon dioxide 2) According to recent climate reports, the Earth is ______ . a) melting b) vanishing c) heating up d) starve 3) Ice may disappear in the Arctic and polar bears won't _____. a) vanish b) survive c) starve d) surround e) extinct 4) Carbon dioxide is ______. a) in great danger b) unpredictable and changing c) greenhouse gas d) fossil fuel e) all our fault f) extreme weather 5) Many species could become _______ because of climate change. a) unpredictable b) extinct c) vanish d) heating up e) low-lying f) energy-saving 6) We should use ______ bulbs. a) trap b) extinct c) unpredictable d) energy-saving e) more frequent 7) Coal and oil are _____. a) made of carbon dioxide b) greenhouse gases c) fossil fuels 8) Mountain glaciers and _____ are melting fast. a) droughts b) polar ice caps c) heatwaves d) polar bears e) extinct species 9) Climate change means _____. a) hotter temperatures b) unpredictable weather c) greenhouse gases blanket 10) Sea levels rise and coastal cities are _______. a) starve b) extinct c) under threat d) unpredictable

Climate change



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