in: ................ recession, .................. the name of, .............. jest, on: be intent .......... sth, lecture .......... politics, act .......... sth, experiment ................. sth, insist ................... sth, comment ............ sth, .............. the premises, ................ duty, .................. an island, ............... leave (=not at work), ............... strike, about: argue ............ sth, boast ........... sth, lecture sb .......... his bad habits, be excited ................ sth, for: ............ fear of sth, ............ sb's sake, .......... the time being, take ............. granted, ................ sure, from: .......... time to time, .............. memory, ............... now on,

Prepositions - Upstream C2 - Unit 1 ex. 17 - Student's Book |


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