1) netron for Hydrogen a) -0.00794 b) 2 c) 1 d) 1.00794 2) Atomic number for Lutetium a) 77 b) 71 c) 54 d) 177.3 3) Proton for Plutonim a) 100 b) 89 c) 94 d) 17 4) Elctron for Americium a) .90 b) 59 c) 95 d) -95 5) Gold For Experiment Seup this is for a) Rutherford's b) Thomson's c) Dalton d) Bohr 6) Discovery the charge of elctron by a) oil drop experiment b) cathode ray tube c) gold foil experiment 7) Mass number is from a) proton+Atomic number b) neutron+Electron c) Atmoic number+Electron d) Protons+neutrons 8) Neutron for Zinc a) 30 b) 35.38 c) 56 d) 65 9) Electron for Oxygen a) 16 b) -8 c) 8 d) 16-


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