1) Today she jumps, yesterday she_______________. a) jumps b) jumping c) jumped 2) Today he walks, yesterday he __________________. a) walks b) walked c) walking 3) Today Mom cooks, yesterday she____________________. a) cooked b) cooking c) cooks 4) Today Dad cleans, yesterday he____________________. a) cleaning b) cleaned c) clean 5) Today my sister plays, yesterday she __________________. a) plays b) played c) playing 6) Today I watch T.V, yesterday I ______________________. a) watches b) watched c) watching 7) Today I talk to my teacher, yesterday I __________________. a) talking b) talked c) talks 8) Today I show my parents my picture, yesterday I __________________________. a) showed b) showing c) shows 9) Today it is raining, yesterday it __________________. a) raining b) rains c) rained 10) Today I learn to read, yesterday I ________________. a) learned b) learns c) learning

Past tense "ed" verbs Level 1


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