1) If I win one million I ... buy a house a) will b) do c) did 2) If I were a figure skater, I ... be skinny  a) had b) will c) would 3) If I had drunk a cup of coffee at night, I ... slept a) didn't b) don't c) wouldn't have 4) If you heat butter, it ... a) will melt b) is melt c) melts 5) If she ... hard , she will pass the exam a) will study b) studies c) studied 6) If it ... , the streets get wet a) rained b) rains c) had rained 7) I would buy a new house if I ... the Christmas lottery a) win b) will win c) won 8) If Tony saved some money, he ... travel to Paris. a) would b) is c) will have 9) If I were you, I ..........go to the doctor. a) would b) will c) would have 10) If I have money, I ....... shopping a) will go b) would go c) go 11) If I lost my job, I ...........be sad. a) have been b) would be c) will 12) When I .......at home, I read my book. a) will be b) would be c) am 13) If you had studied, you ........rich. a) would be b) will be c) would have been 14) If I had more time, I ........................... to the countryside. a) would travel b) will travel c) travel 15) When I am in stress, I .......................... a) will go running b) go running c) would go running



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