1) An electronic musical instrument similar to a piano a) keyboards b) drums c) saxophone 2) Do you play the ..? a) giutar b) guitar c) guitur 3) ​A type of loud rock music with a very strong beat, played on electric guitars. a) rap b) hip-hop c) hard rock 4) You can ... the app for free. a) blame b) download c) charm 5) A very sad feeling, especially when somebody you love has died or left you a) broken feeling b) broke heart c) broken heart 6) /ˈkætʃi/ a) catchy b) catch c) charm 7) The dancers gave ... performance. a) an energy b) an energetic c) an ambition 8) Linda is an ... and hard-working manager. a) ambition b) electronic c) ambitious 9) Winning the medal was like a dream ... a) go true b) come true c) get true 10) The weather was ... and sunny. a) bright b) ambitious c) kind 11) She describes her music as a ... of folk and rock. a) fusion b) hit c) dream 12) He played the song on his ... a) keyboard b) key board c) key-board 13) The words of a song. a) vocals b) lyrics c) song 14) /dʒʌdʒ/ a) judje b) judge c) gudje 15) I often listen to ... music when I’m in the car. a) kind b) classic c) classical 16) A type of popular music with a fast strong rhythm and words which are spoken fast, not sung a) pop b) rap c) rock


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