If I lose my purse with money ..., If I meet Jennifer Lawrence in the street ..., If my friends ignore me on instagram ..., If I pass the English exam ..., If I help my mum with household chores ..., If I have enough money ..., If I go to the US ..., If the weather is nice this weekend ..., If I have a vacation next week ..., If my mum asks me to go to the grocery shopping ..., If I have to clean my room, If I write a good test in English ..., If my dog runs away ..., If my cat eats my lunch ..., If it rains ..., If I get a bike for Christmas ..., If I write a very good English test ..., If boyfriend/girlfriend cheats on me ..., If I eat too much chocolate, If I get money for "Black Friday" from my grandparents .., If I watch Netflix next Friday night ..., If I my best friend sleeps over at my house.

If clause 1-Kartenspiel



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