4th Amendment: A police office asks to search your car. You refuse. The officer doesn't search the car., 5th Amendment: John is testifying at a trial. He suddenly refuses to answer a question, knowing doing so will get him into trouble., John hit Gary. John is charged with assault and found not guilty. He is immediately charged with the same crime and a judge throws out the new charges, dismissing the case., 6th Amendment: Lindsay gets arrested on a Thursday, and has a preliminary hearing on Friday where she is informed of the charges against her. , Lindsay is given the choice of a jury trial or bench trial (only the judge decides the case), 8th Amendment: Lindsay's bail is set at $10,000 for jay walking. Her lawyer immediately challenges the bail. , Lindsay is given 400 days of community service for destroying another person's lemon. She appeals the verdict as excessive., 14th Amendment: In McDonald v Chicago, Chicago's gun laws were struck down on the grounds states and cities are equally responsible for following and enforcing federal laws. , John and Lindsay deserve the same protections under the law (yes, I got lazy on this one),

Due Process


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